

 POST OFFICE BOX 17  BANDA, NANDI DO. 28th November 2022. In case of reply Number and Date of This Letter Should be quoted Our Ref: UNP/NK/19/02 Your Ref No:…………………… For immediate Release All Media Houses PRESS STATEMENT BY KONKOMBA CHIEFS WITHIN KRACHI NCHUMURU DISTRICT Good day ladies and gentlemen of the media, we bring you greetings from Krachi Nchumuru District. We have called you here to put out the issues of concern regarding the recent disturbances at Bakando, a suburb of Chinderi which occurred on the19th of November, 2022 resulting in the killing of Nana Mebo II and two others over a piece of land located at Bakando and the subsequent press statements by some stakeholders. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved families at Borae Ahenfie for the gruesome murder of Nana Mebo II and two others by unknown assailants who are currently at large. The lost of lives is painful and disheartening, for no one can take the life of another person intentionally

“Jean Mensa not transparent, credible and lacks integrity” – CDG Ghana fires

  GHANA NEWS     May 6, 2020   0   99 A governance research think tank, The Caucus for Democratic Governance said through its research and observations it has come to a firm conclusion that the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Ghana, Jean Mensa is not transparent, credible and indeed lacks integrity, neutrality and fairness. According to the think thank, they have every cause to believe that the Electoral Commission of Ghana, the National Identifications Authority and the New Patriotic Party are in close collaboration to disenfranchise 1.5m Ghanaains in the NIA registration process. “We are not surprised at the conduct and behaviour of Madam Jean Mensa. It is her way of saying thank you to the President. After breaking all protocols, the President virtually carried her into the position of Electoral Commissioner. He who pays the piper calls the tune. The President is therefore calling the tune for the 2020 election. The symbiotic agenda between the EC an

2020 Election and covid-19

  Home     Politics     Politics     202005 Prez Akufo-Addo Won’t Stay On As President If 2020 Elections Don’t Come Off – Majority Leader 02-May-2020 Email    Print  (1) Comments   President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo will not continue to wield power as the Commander in Chief and first gentleman of the land even if the Electoral Commission (EC) is unable to conduct the 2020 presidential and parliament elections due to the outbreak of the global pandemic, the Coronavirus, Majority Leader of Parliament has disclosed. While addressing members of the House after presenting the business statement, Mr Kyei–Mensah-Bonsu intimated that, although there was no clear cut provision in the constitution on who becomes president in the event of unforeseen circumstances causing the EC to not hold elections, Nana Akufo-Addo had already hinted of not staying on beyond his mandatory term. He disclosed that the president had revealed in previ

To know more about KONKOMBAS

Citinewsroom - Nicholas Nibetol Aazine writes: KONKOMBAS AGAIN? April 20, 2020 The question above or its exclamation form “Konkombas Again!!!”  Or its generic form “these northerners” were some of the reactions from people who learnt about the Konkombas’ conflict with the Chokosis in the North Eastern Region of Ghana. This article is not an attempt to exonerate Konkombas or to condemn any other tribe but to throw more light on the saying that “you can’t judge a book by its cover.” Konkombas are largely found in the north-eastern part of Northern Region of the Ghana, specifically in Saboba, which is their indigenous home. They are predominately a farming community. The people are referred as Bikpakpaam (united people) and their language is Likpakpaaln. They are the second-largest ethnic group in the Northern Region. They are sub-divided into different clans just like many other ethnic groups in Ghana. Konkombas are noted for their Kinaachon and Ichaa dance, Bisaatom and imonk